Patrik Čaky // Logo – Design – Identity


Design značky DESTINO, cestovnej kancelárie pre golfové a zážitkové výlety.

Inšpiráciou procesu bolo cestovanie, ktoré som vizuálne navrhol do tvaru kompasu, strelky, ktorá rovnako pripomína hviezdu a slnko. K symbolu pribudlo písmo Red Rose, ktoré vizuálne dopĺňa tón značky a systém komunikácie služby.

Design of the DESTINO brand, a travel agency for golf and adventure trips.

The inspiration for the process was travel, which I visually designed in the shape of a compass, an arrow that also resembles a star and the sun. The Red Rose font was added to the symbol, which visually complements the tone of the brand and the communication system of the service.

#design #patrikcaky #logo #identity

Autor designu

patrikcaky© design
Design vizuálnej komunikácie
Pracujem v Bratislave, Slovensko